
By opting in you are giving us permission to send you occassional emails. We will never sell, rent, or share your information with any third party.  You will only receive emails from us when something new or important comes out that we think you should know about. You can opt out of our mailing list at any time. 



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                                      Landlord’s Association of Westchester


If you are a small property owner in Westchester County, NY, you have undoubtedly noticed the need for area specific information, resources, support and guidance to small property owners in our area. We are here to help meet those needs.


As a member of this association, you will find beneficial information on the following topics:

  • Your rights as a landlord
  • Information on property management
  • Leases and lease addendums
  • Tenant screening- Background and Criminal check Information
  • Rental Applications
  • Information on eviction process and holdover proceedings
  • Understanding government programs
  • Legal issues that affect your business
  • Real estate and Mortgage information
  • Business products and services
  • The latest news and laws that affect you
  • Area specific information                                                                                                         Knowledge is the Key to your Success   
  • Resources and products for landlords

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